It’s my 30th birthday today!

Day 19

Ryan Taylor
1 min readJan 19, 2024

Wow! The day has finally come, I’m 30! I’m a real adult now. It feels like it. I’m actually really happy to be 30. It feels good. It feels like I am growing. I like that word better than aging. Growing. We should use that word instead of aging. The word in itself just feels old, not in a good way. I’m definitely growing. I imagine myself a seed in a pot about to sprout. The best is yet to come. I’m holding onto that. Today, my sister flew in and surprised me. My mom is here. It’s her birthday, too. We share a birthday. I always really liked that, I thought it was cool to share a birthday with my mom. I still do. I’m happy we can celebrate together. My husband booked us all a place to stay. It’s a good day. It’s a great day! It’s not over yet, either. Today I am happy. Today I do feel alive. I’m thankful for every moment and every person who has helped me to reach this point. Love you. That’s all for now.

Thanks for reading!

Xx Ryan

