I am Filled with Ivory

A poem

Ryan Taylor
Mar 18, 2024
AI image by author

I am filled with ivory.

I am being carved from the inside out.

A precious, and malleable material that is stolen for a bounty,

that is stolen for a crest,

that is stolen for a beating heart.

My ivory heart

is all that I have left,

the world has taken everything else.

My hopes, my dreams

They come back to me in the songs of the bluebirds,

in the wings of the bees,

my eyes, too, remain ivory,

Unchanged and piercing white,

Unchanged, but older

Unchanged, but not much wiser

Unchanged, but still me,

My blinking ivory eyes remind me that I am still here for something.

My beating ivory heart reminds me that I am still here to love something.

Thanks for reading!

❤ Ryan

